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Bulldog Mindset Podcast

Oct 31, 2018

🛑 How To Be Successful In A Third World Country 🛑

There's no secret that a big portion of my audience live outside of the US, in what we call "third world countries". I have a huge audience in India, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.

Those people there also want to become successful. But, as we already know, becoming successful in those countries is not so easy.

There is a lack of opportunities, often political conflicts, repression and those countries are not so free as we are here in the United States.

But... You can still be successful and make money living in a third world country. The internet raised the bar in terms of opportunities and, now, lots of people can achieve what they want.

In today's video we are going to talk about how you can become successful and make money living in a third world country.